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Donovan, Jenny. Designing the Compassionate City: Creating Places Where People Thrive. New York, NY: Routledge, 2018.

Gehl, Jan. Life between Buildings: Using Public Space. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2011.

Maier, Jonathan, George Fadel, Dina G. Batistto. “An affordance-based approach to architectural theory, design, and practice" Design Studies 30, (2009) 393-414. doi: 10.1016/j.destud.2009.01.002.

Pinard, Émilie. “Happiness & Well-being.” Video presented online at Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON, October 2020.

Pinard, Émilie. “Social Public-space & Placemaking.” Video presented online at Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON, October 2020.

Whyte, William Hollingsworth. The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. New York: Project for Public Spaces, 2018.

Whyte, William Hollingsworth, dir. The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. 1980; New York: William H. Whyte Video, 1980, Online streaming.

List of Maps 


Goel, Muskan. Map 1.Contextual Relationship of the park with Urban Fabric. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Mumbai.


Goel, Muskan. Map 2. Plan drawing of the section of the site studied. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Mumbai.


Goel, Muskan. Map 3. Shadow and circulation study (morning time). 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Mumbai.


Goel, Muskan. Map 4. Shadow and circulation study (evening time). 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Mumbai.


Goel, Muskan. Map 5. Surface texture map. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Mumbai.


Goel, Muskan. Map 6. Seating locations. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Mumbai.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Map 7.Twin Fork Park context. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Map 8. Park Amenities. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Map 9. Park textures. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Map 10. Morning circulation. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Map 11. Evening circulation. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Map 13. 6 benches on site. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Map 14. Poor bench placement. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Map 15. Circulation. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Map 16. Bell Park context. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Map 17. Site features. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Map 18. Site textures. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Map 19. Morning circulation. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Map 20. Evening circulation. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Map 21. Boardwalk ledge/seating. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Map 22. Prospect and refuge. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Map 23. Play Structure. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Map 24. Site features. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury



List of Figures


Goel, Muskan. Figure 1. Water feature present on site. 2020. Digital Image, Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Mumbai.


Goel, Muskan. Figure 2. Frequency of activities performed. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Mumbai.


Goel, Muskan. Figure 3. Single Vs. Multiple Activities Performed. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Mumbai.


Goel, Muskan. Figure 4. Capture moments of interactions and results of material weathering on user behaviour. Digital Image, Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Mumbai.


Goel, Muskan. Figure 5. Capture moments of interactions and results of material weathering on user behaviour. Digital Image, Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Mumbai.


Goel, Muskan. Figure 6. Capture moments of interactions and results of material weathering on user behaviour. Digital Image, Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Mumbai.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Fig. 7: Crown of trees & bushes. 2020. Digital Image, Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Sudbury.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Fig. 8: Sudbury Humidex Infographic. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Fig. 9: Activity rate & Demographic data. 2020. Digital Image,Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Fig.10: Central Play Structure, Triangulation. 2020. Digital Image,Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Fig. 11: Temperature and Climate. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Fig. 12: Dynamic morning light. 2020. Digital Image, Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Fig. 13: Morning Necessary Activities vs. Evening Optional. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Fig. 14: Metal Park Benches. 2020. Digital Image, Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Fig. 15: Re-inventing Sitting. 2020. Digital Image, Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Fig. 16: One-per-bench. 2020. Digital Image, Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Sudbury.




List of Tables


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Tab.1: Central Play Structure, Triangulation. 2020. Digital Image, Miro and Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Tab.2: Tennis Court Activity. 2020. Digital Image, Miro and Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Tab. 3: User E is observed using blanket padding for the park bench. 2020. Digital Image, Miro and Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Tab. 4: K (2) and L (2) interact at the play structure. 2020. Digital Image, Miro and Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.



List of Sections


Twin Fork Playground


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Section. 1: Poor Bench Placement. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.

Cushing, Debra Flanders, and Evonne Miller. Creating Great Places Evidence-Based Urban Design for Health and Wellbeing. New York, NY: Routledge, 2020.

Donovan, Jenny. Designing the Compassionate City: Creating Places Where People Thrive. New York, NY: Routledge, 2018.

Gehl, Jan. Life between Buildings: Using Public Space. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2011.

Émilie Pinard, “Happiness & Well-being” – Part 2 (Online presentation, Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON,

October 02, 2020).

Pinard, Émilie. “Inclusive Agency and Accessibility.” Video presented online at Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON, October 2020.

UK government office for science, Mental Capital and Wellbeing: Making the most of ourselves in the 21st century: Foresight. London, UK: 2008.

List of Maps


Health & Well-being


Goel, Muskan. Map 3. Seating area – Aarey Bhaskar Park. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Mumbai.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Map 2. Seating spaces – Twin Fork Playground. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Map 5. Context map - Twin Fork Playground. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Map 1. Ledges - Bell Park. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Map 4. Context map - Bell Park. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.



Inclusiveness & Social diversity


Goel, Muskan. Map 6. Context Map for Aarey Bhaskar park. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Mumbai.


Goel, Muskan. Map 9. Use of Ramped hardscape for circulation at Aarey Bhaskar park. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Mumbai.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Map 7. Play Structures at Twin Fork Playground. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Map 8. Play Structures at Bell Park. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.



List of Figures


Health & Well-being


Goel, Muskan. Figure 2. Mossy concrete ledge - Aarey Bhaskar Park. 2020. Digital Image, Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Mumbai.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Figure 1. Bench giving its back to the park - Twin Fork Playground. 2020. Digital Image, Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Figure 3. Bench wrongly proportioned - Bell Park. 2020. Digital Image, Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Sudbury.



Inclusiveness & Social diversity


Goel, Muskan. Figure 4. Benches used to perform Yoga as an Exercise. 2020. Digital Image, Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Mumbai.


Goel, Muskan. Figure 5. Types of Activities performed at Aarey Bhaskar park. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Mumbai.


Goel, Muskan. Figure 8. Personal Space theory application at Aarey Bhaskar park.  2020. Digital Image, Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Mumbai.


Kabumbe, Jonathan. Figure 6. Types of Activities performed at Twin Fork playground. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Figure 7. Types of Activities performed at Bell park. 2020. Digital Image, Adobe Illustrator, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Figure 9. Personal Space theory application at Bell park. 2020. Digital Image, Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Sudbury.


Vanderkruk, Thomas. Figure 10. Use of Ramped hardscape for circulation at Bell Park. 2020. Digital Image, Photograph and Adobe Photoshop, Sudbury.

© 2020 by Jonathan Kabumbe, Thomas Vanderkruk & Muskan Goel, for ARCH4016 Cultural Sustainability, McEwen School of Architecture

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